30 October 2006

Dem Items Surging; Obama Trumping Woodward

With less than a week before Nov. 7 elections, it seems Democrats are making a late surge in political purchasing on eBay. Over the past two weeks, Democrat-related items, including pins, t-shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers, are up 67% in total items sold. Republican-related items of the same ilk have also seen a jump since mid October, up 28% -- a far cry from the Dem figure but more in volume.

During October, items related to Barack Obama (D-Ill.) have skyrocketed 630%, primarily in the Books and collectibles categories The Senator's book "The Audacity of Hope" has sold nearly 240 copies on eBay over the past two weeks, which trumps any of the books currently on the New York Times' hardcover political best seller list. Tops on that list, "State of Denial" by Bob Woodward has sold 130 copies on eBay since mid October, while No. 2 on the list, "Culture Warrior" by Bill O'Reilly has kept close pace with Obama at 228 sold over the same period, based on eBay Marketplace Research data.


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