eBay has become a pop culture barometer and mini stock market of product popularity. Sedna Communications owner and principal Dean Jutilla, former senior manager in eBay's communications department, provides insights and trend-spotting across many topics using both eBay marketplace data and findings from eBay Pop, produced by meta-shopping service Mpire.
04 February 2007
Pop Kernels
If you've had a chance to dry off after Prince's Super Bowl XLI halftime performance, well, gas up the TiVO because The Police are opening Sunday's 49th Annual Grammy Awards. The trio has won five Grammies, and rumors are swirling that a U.S. and European tour is in the works. Believe it or not, "Roxanne" -- the band's huge single from the 70's, turns 30 this year. Also look for Smokey Robinson and Lionel Richie to keep the night young with their performances at the Grammies. To snap you out of your time warp, catch performances by Mary J. Blige, who won nine honors at the Billboard Music Awards in early December, Chris Brown, and Shakira, among others.
Football collectors wasted no time in snapping up Peyton Manning items after his MVP performance in Super Bowl XLI. The game ended at just before 10 pm ET in Miami, and over the following two hours -- between 10 pm and midnight -- over 1,220 Manning items sold, compared to 460 during the game itself. Even leading up to the game, Manning jersey sales were up 30 percent with over 1,800 selling at a average of $55 each. His 1998 rookie card has also been a hot item, with the average price of a graded card running about $57 and non-graded cards averaging about $14 each.
Anheuser-Busch, which produced two of the most "TiVo'd" ads during the game, has been getting its share of continued blogosphere buzz, according to one metrics firm. BuzzMetrics says the nine Bud/Bud Light commercials resulted in over 15 percent of the buzz volume, which measures the number of people blogging about a particular topic. The Nationwide Insurance ad, which featured Kevin Federline, received six percent; however, much of the buzz on KFed took place prior to the game as Nationwide released the spot early to extend the visibility. See the most popular Bud Light spot below.
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