20 March 2007

Halo 3 Coming Soon; Pro Gamer's Top Picks

Gamers anticipating the release of the Halo 3 beta will have to find something else to occupy their hands for a bit. XBox's sci-fi shoot'em up is now expected in "late Spring" as opposed to sometime in March, and the official release is happening this fall.

Halo 3 picks up where Halo 2 left off: The Covenant, a powerful alien collective was about to invade the earth. Sounds like a job for Master Chief, the game's human super-soldier. Halo: Combat Evolved broke sales records when it came out in 2002, and in 2004, Halo 2 was the fastest selling media product in history with an estimated $125 million in sales.

If you are still jonesing for some video game action, here are four top picks from video game ace Jonathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel. The 25-year-old PC pro-gamer has won 12 World Championship titles (there seems to be title for everything these days). Check out the Fatal1ty game brand on eBay too.

1. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (for PC)
Predicted to be the next huge multi-player sensation based on virtual warfare and the need for team chemistry for victory. The present administration could take a cue from this play book.

2. Wii Sports (Nintendo Wii)
The interactivity of the wireless controller and its ability to read what your arms and hands are doing make this a
crowd-pleaser. Has the potential to completely replace the need to do any sort of physical activity again.

3. Unreal Tournament 2007 (PC)
Stellar and realistic graphics make this first-person shooter game a player favorite. Apparently the 2008 version comes with a choice of Dick Cheney or Charlton Heston action figure.

4. Guitar Hero II (Sony PlayStation 2)
If air-guitaring dorks dream of cranking out a face-melting guitar solo in front of screaming, adoring fans, well, keep dreaming. But you can get awfully close with Guitar Hero II, which sounds challenging and downright fun. Apparently, Guitar I ain't no simple riffage either.

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