12 February 2007

Change is Coming

The next dollar coin hits circulation on Feb. 15, closely timed with the observance of President's Day. These new coins will feature U.S. presidents -- four issued per year, from now through 2016, about the time we'll all be using debit cards in lieu of cash or change. The 2007 starting lineup will include George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, and in later years, even Richard Nixon. Presidents will grace each coin only one time, except for Grover Cleveland, who will be on two because he was the only president to serve nonconsecutive terms. To be eligible, a president must have been dead for at least two years.

There has been some talk of eliminating the paper dollar, which is very expensive to reprint, in favor of the more durable dollar coin. Yet, 3 in 4 Americans surveyed in an AP/Ipsos poll said they would not want the paper dollar eliminated, besides it's not as much fun to play serial number poker with coins. One successful coin introduction has been the 50-state quarter program. Since it began in 1999, it has introduced many people, including a younger generation, to collecting for the first time. Time will tell if the new dollar coin finds the same affinity, especially that Nixon dollar.

Tags: President's Day, presidents, political memorabilia, U.S. coins, paper money


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