Earth Day is April 22: Break Out Your Solar Bikini
So you've spent the last few months up in the gym workin' on your fitness; now's the time for all the hard work to payoff: you get to wear your solar-powered bikini to the beach in your new-found, post-Earth Day green-inspired life.
You can really make a statement with this cyber-goth suit from the folks at Charging your iPod, digital camera or cell phone are a snap, and a USB drinks cooler will make you the most popular girl on the beach. The 1" x 4" photovoltaic film panels are stitched together with conductive thread and terminate in a female USB connection (appropriately enough), giving you (and all your BFF) 6.5 volts of beach-going party power.
While April 22 is officially Earth Day, consider making some simple changes in your life to help reduce your carbon footprint (or bikini tan lines). With
millions of unused electronics stored in closets, garages, offices and warehouses, eBay's Rethink program gives some tips on how to recycle, donate or sell our old cell phones, computers, MP3 players and other electronics you've upgraded from. TIME magazine offers a global warming survival guide, including 51 everyday things we can do to make a difference, and Vanity Fair's Green Issue includes a dose of reality by outlining the average American's dramatic trickle-down impact on the environment during the typical day. offers How to Go Green Guides, over 100 individual guides that outline practical ways to make a difference, including how to green your pet, electronics and even your sex life.
Tags: Earth Day, eco-friendly, global warming
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