Lucky Number 7

On the ball front, his team continues its recent perennial playoff success, which could take the Spurs well into May and potentially into the NBA Finals, ending mid-June. On the chain front, Parker weds Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria at a French castle on July 7.
Significance of the date? 7/7/07.
The Association of Wedding Professionals International (yes, there is such a group) expects a 20 percent increase in knot-tying on that day as superstitious couples who missed last year's 6/6/06 take another shot at it -- presumably with the same partner.
Also on July 7, a panel of experts will unveil a New Seven

Lady Liberty is already part of "The Forgotten Wonders." So, does this mean she's part of two lists, has she been promoted, or did the experts simply remember? Anyway, check your local listings for a World Wonder near you.
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