04 May 2007

Still Their Guitars Gently Weep

There's been recent talk about how baby boomers, who grew up on Elvis, the Beatles, Eric Clapton and Jimmy Hendrix, are fueling the jump in guitar prices, especially vintage pieces. One of the country's leading guitar experts, George Gruhn, told the Seattle Times: "The guitar is the ultimate piece of art. You can look at it. You can play it. And if it's a good one, you can feel it come alive."

The two most popular electric guitars on eBay are the Fender Stratocaster and the Gibson Les Paul. Each week, between 800-900 Stratocasters are sold at about $150 each. Naturally, with an average price of $700 for the Gibson, few sell per week -- about 200.

If you don't play guitar but want to live out their rock 'n roll fantasy, there's always Guitar Hero II for Sony Playstation 2, which follows its popular predecessor, Guitar Hero. GH II features 55 songs that cross all the rock genres, and one or two players can play via a joy stick or gamepad.

For those about to rock, we salute you.


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